5/14/2024 - Minor update
Note: These logs are a compilation of several days' worth of changes, and are not singular large updates from one day.

Major Changes
The legendary gacha has been overhauled! The legendaries inside will now change on a DAILY cycle and will also be more evenly distributed!
Moveset generation for opponents have been updated! Trainers can now use TMs as well as egg moves!
Some egg moves, learnsets, and passives have been updated yet again
Minor Changes
- Victini, Genesect, and Deoxys have had their costs changed from 8 to 7, moving them out of legendary eggs and into epic eggs
- Updated biome art for Island, Lab, Metro, and Snowy Forest
- Recovery tokens now scale up slower
- Fluctuating exp curve slightly changed
- Restored some level 1 moves removed in SV
- Added custom Jungle music
- Delibird now has a custom level up learnset
- Deoxys and Shaymin get Confusion and Leafage respectively at level 1
- Cave now connects to Lake instead of Beach
- Charge
- Heal Bell
- Aromatherapy
- Hydro Steam
- Spirit Shackle
- U-turn
- Burning Bulwark
- Snipe Shot
- Tidy Up
- Heart Swap
- Life Dew
- Floral Healing
- Facade now ignores burn damage reduction
- Comeuppance
- Zippy Zap and Swirly Swirl now have their gen 8 functionality
- Sheer Cold now has gen 7 changes
- Water Compaction now only works on damaging moves
- Protosynthesis and Quark Drive work properly now
- Propeller Tail
- Stalwart
- Technician works with variable power moves
- Sturdy
- Innards Out
- Stench does not trigger on status moves
- Curious Medicine
- Supersweet Syrup
- Telepathy
- Tinted Lens works with variable damage moves
- Air Lock has a trigger message
- Corrosion
- More localization (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese)
- Icons are spaced better in names
- Settings navigation warps now
- EXP display setting added
- Accuracy added in move preview
- Passives now show in summary
- Frisk description updated
- ToggleSize available on languages
- Other bug fixes
- Battler tags now persist on save
- Fixed issue with multiple form starters crashing when trying to change moves
- Double trainers will no longer spawn with just 1 Pokemon
- Female Oinkologne now spawn
- Sprite fixes and new variants
- Fixed cry when a Pokemon is fused with its own species
- Rockruff dusk should evolve properly
- Fixed Zygarde changing forms when it's not supposed to