5/21/2024 - Minor update
Note: These logs are a compilation of several days' worth of changes, and are not singular large updates from one day.
These changelogs may also be a bit out of date, as they are only updated when new ones are posted from the discord.

Major Changes
Auto save has been changed to every 5 floors
Classic mode now has an ending
There are new shiny variants
Certain pokemon have had their costs changed
There's been a change to egg moves
Minor Changes
- Magearna has its original color form
- Rare egg moves for opponents only happen for E4+
- Dada Zarude is now a form
- Some pokemon legendary classifications have been changed
- Main menu theme changed
- Confusion is now 1/3 to match modern games
- Beldum TMs fixed
- Close Combat TM fixed for Granbull, Pignite, Emboar, and Scraggy
- Status damage skips endure
- Ghost types are no longer trapped
- Psychic Fangs TM fixed for Croconaw, Feraligatr, Snubbull, Granbull
- Self KO moves now still work if the opponent is semi-invulnerable and AI should avoid them
- Minimize now has proper interactions with moves that are anti-minimize
- Camoflauge no longer crashes in certain biomes
- Seed Flare drops 2 stages
- Ingrain works properly for ghost types
- Entry hazard moves should not miss
- Terrain Pulse
- Misty Explosion
- Upper Hand
- Beat Up
- Curse targets properly now
- Trump Card
- Bug Bite
- Pluck
- Teatime
- Grassy Glide
- Revival Blessing
- Merciless
- Bad Dreams
- Quick Claw
- Potion weights fixed
- Full restore heals confusion now
- Ethers now check for max PP
- EXP balance now capped at 4
- More localization (German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish)
- Pokemon summary screen is viewable when learning a move
- Can check Pokemon before switching
- Pokemon info screen now slides after a catch
Other bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where a hidden ability was being shown as uncaught
- Fixed recoil for multi-hit moves