6/14/2024 - The Pride Update on Pokerogue
Note: These logs are a compilation of several days' worth of changes, and are not singular large updates from one day.
These changelogs may also be a bit out of date, as they are only updated when new ones are posted from the discord.

Major Changes
More variants have been released! To celebrate this there is a 2x shiny rate event for a week.
The Pokemon-info-container now updates to show what is new when catching/hatching a Pokemon.
Minor Changes
- Elite four teams have been slightly tweaked.
- G-max Alcremie and some Hisui Pokemon had the wrong stats.
- Metagross level up moveset corrected.
- Toxic damage now resets on switch.
- Hyperspace Fury does not make contact.
- Baton pass works properly with all conditions.
- Transform interaction with revive now displays correct sprite.
- Bouncy Bubble description fixed.
- Stuff Cheeks.
- Treasures of Ruin ⚔️ 🥤 📿.
- Protean and Libero ✨.
- Berserk and Anger Shell no longer cause crashes when forced to switch out.
- Arceus plates and Silvally memories added.
- Map now no longer appears on waves 180+.
- Flame/Toxic orb now spawn for Magic Guard.
- Hint typing for moves works correctly now.
- The starter-select screen displays what kind of egg the starter comes from.
- PP now is color coded in battle.
- Input accuracy for buttons improved.
- The IV chart becomes gold when perfected.
- Language setting cursor no longer resets.
- Mythical Pokemon hatched stat now displays correctly.
- Starter-select screen now uses color to tell which variant is which rarity.
Other bug fixes
- Wrong music being played during rival battle.
- Speed ties now work the same in different browsers.
- Fixed bug with type immunity abilities interacting with specific moves.
- Removed some wrong pixels in plains_bg.
- Dipplin is erratic instead of slow.
- Fixed bug with biome pools generating from the wrong time of day.
- Fixed font issue causing weird black boxes to appear フ.
- Multi-hit moves now only trigger type absorbing abilities once.
- Corrected a bug where Manaphy eggs were generating at the wrong rate.
- Fixed broken Vivillon sprite.