Pokérogue Special Evolution Methods
Not all the evolutions in this game are one-to-one with the mainline games, detailed below are special evolution methods used in PokéRogue.

If an evolution mentions it must be a certain time of day, that is in relation to the current area of the game you are in, weather and actual time of day do not effect it.
*Evolutions that are the same as mainline games will not be included on this page
Stone Evolutions
All below evolutions require a certain Evolution Stone for certain Pokémon.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Stone Required | Extra Information |
Growlithe | Arcanine | Fire Stone | |
Hisuian Growlithe | Hisuian Arcanine | Fire Stone | |
Vulpix | Ninetails | Fire Stone | |
Pansear | Simisear | Fire Stone | |
Eevee | Flareon | Fire Stone | |
Capsakid | Scovillain | Fire Stone | |
Poliwhirl | Poliwrath | Water Stone | |
Shellder | Cloyster | Water Stone | |
Staryu | Starmie | Water Stone | |
Lombre | Ludicolo | Water Stone | |
Panpour | Simipour | Water Stone | |
Eevee | Vaporeon | Water Stone | |
Pikachu | Raichu | Thunder Stone | |
Eevee | Jolteon | Thunder Stone | |
Eelektrik | Eelektross | Thunder Stone | |
Tadbulb | Bellibolt | Thunder Stone | |
Magneton | Magnezone | Thunder Stone | |
Nosepass | Probopass | Thunder Stone | |
Charjabug | Vikavolt | Thunder Stone | |
Exeggcute | Exeggutor | Leaf Stone | |
Gloom | Vileplume | Leaf Stone | |
Weepinbell | Victreebell | Leaf Stone | |
Eevee | Leafeon | Leaf Stone | |
Hisuian Voltorb | Hisuian Electrode | Leaf Stone | |
Nuzleaf | Shiftry | Leaf Stone | |
Pansage | Simisage | Leaf Stone | |
Nidorino | Nidoking | Moon Stone | |
Nidorina | Nidoqueen | Moon Stone | |
Clefairy | Clefable | Moon Stone | |
Jigglypuff | Wigglytuff | Moon Stone | |
Munna | Musharna | Moon Stone | |
Skitty | Delcatty | Moon Stone | |
Petilil | Lilligant | Sun Stone | Must be Day or Dawn |
Petilil | Hisuian Lilligant | Sun Stone | Must be Night or Dusk |
Gloom | Bellossom | Sun Stone | |
Sunkern | Sunflora | Sun Stone | |
Cottonee | Whimsicott | Sun Stone | |
Helioptile | Heliolisk | Sun Stone | |
Togetic | Togekiss | Shiny Stone | |
Roselia | Roserade | Shiny Stone | |
Floette | Florges | Shiny Stone | Does not work on AZ Floette |
Minccino | Cinccino | Shiny Stone | |
Murkrow | Honchkrow | Dusk Stone | |
Misdreavous | Mismagius | Dusk Stone | |
Lampent | Chandelure | Dusk Stone | |
Doublade | Aegislash | Dusk Stone | |
Alolan Sandshrew | Alolan Sandslash | Ice Stone | |
Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Ninetails | Ice Stone | |
Eevee | Glaceon | Ice Stone | |
Crabrawler | Crabominable | Ice Stone | |
Cetoddle | Cetitan | Ice Stone | |
Galarian Darumaka | Galarian Darmanitan | Ice Stone |
Biome Evolutions
All below evolutions must be in certain biomes for cetain Pokémon.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Biome Required |
Cubone | Alolan Marowak | Must be in Island Biome or Beach Biome |
Koffing | Galarian Weezing | Must be in Metropolis Biome or Slum Biome |
Mime Jr | Galarian Mr. Mime | Must be in Ice Cave or Snowy Forest Biome |
Item Evolutions
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Item Needed | Extra Information |
Ursaring | Ursaluna | Peat Block | |
Scyther | Kleavor | Black Augurite | |
Milcery | Alcremie | Strawberry Sweet | See Alcremie Forms for more details |
Charcadet | Armarouge | Auspicious Armor | |
Charcadet | Ceruledge | Malicious Armor | |
Sinistea | Polteageist | Cracked Teapot | |
Sinistea | Polteageist | Chipped Teapot | It will have a mark at the bottom |
Poltchageist | Sinistcha | Unremarkable Teacup | |
Poltchageist | Sinistcha | Masterpiece Teacup | It will have a mark at the bottom |
Applin | Flapple | Tart Apple | |
Applin | Appleton | Sweet Apple | |
Applin | Dipplin | Syrupy Apple | |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarian Slowbro | Galarica Cuff | |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarian Slowking | Galarica Wreath | |
Duraludon | Archaludon | Metal Alloy | |
Kubfu | Urshifu (Single Strike Style) | Scroll of Darkness | |
Kubfu | Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style) | Scroll of Waters |
Linking Cord Evolutions
All below evolutions have been changed to require Linking Cord.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Extra Information |
Slowpoke | Slowking | Must be holding a King's Rock |
Poliwhirl | Politoed | Must be holding a King's Rock |
Kadabra | Alakazam | |
Machoke | Machamp | |
Graveler | Golem | |
Alolan Graveler | Alolan Golem | |
Haunter | Gengar | |
Onix | Steelix | Must know a Steel type move |
Rhydon | Rhyperior | |
Seadra | Kingdra | |
Scyther | Scizor | Must know a Steel type move |
Electabuzz | Electivire | |
Magmar | Magmortar | |
Porygon | Porygon2 | |
Porygon2 | PorygonZ | |
Feebas | Milotic | |
Dusclops | Dusknoir | |
Clamperl | Huntail | |
Clamperl | Gorebyss | |
Boldore | Gigalith | |
Gurdurr | Conkeldurr | |
Karrablast | Escavalier | Must have caught or hatched Shelmet at least once |
Shelmet | Accelgor | Must have caught or hatched Karrablast at least once |
Spritzee | Aromatisse | |
Swirlix | Slurpuff | |
Phantump | Trevenant | |
Pumpkaboo | Gourgeist |
Friendship Evolutions
Friendship evolutions were lowered significantly for PokéRogue, due to the higher difficulty to raise it. The values are as such:
Pokémon Name | Starting Friendship | Evolution | Friendship Needed |
Golbat | 50 | Crobat | 110 |
Alolan Meowth | 50 | Alolan Persian | 70 |
Chansey | 140 | Blissey | 200 |
Eevee | 50 | Espeon | 70 during Day |
Eevee | 50 | Umbreon | 70 during Night |
Eevee | 50 | Sylveon | 70 while knowing a Fairy-type move |
Pichu | 70 | Pikachu | 90 |
Cleffa | 140 | Clefairy | 160 |
Igglybuff | 50 | Jigglypuff | 70 |
Togepi | 50 | Togetic | 70 |
Azurill | 50 | Marill | 70 |
Budew | 50 | Roselia | 70 during Dawn or Day |
Buneary | 0 | Lopunny | 70 |
Chingling | 70 | Chimecho | 90 during Dusk or Night |
Happiny | 140 | Chansey | 160 |
Munchlax | 50 | Snorlax | 90 |
Riolu | 50 | Lucario | 90 during Dawn or Day |
Woobat | 50 | Swoobat | 70 |
Swadloon | 70 | Leavanny | 110 |
Type Null | 0 | Silvally | 80 |
Snom | 50 | Frosmoth | 90 during Dusk or Night |
Gimmighoul | 50 | Gholdengo | 70 |
Level-up Evolutions
Certain Pokémon were changed to either be ordinary level-based evolutions, or leveling up during a specific time.
Pokémon Name | Evolution | Method |
Primeape | Annihilape | At least level 35 while knowing Rage Fist |
Quilava | Typhlosion | Level 36 during the Dawn or Day |
Quilava | Hisuian Typhlosion | Level 36 during the Dusk or Night |
Stantler | Wyrdeer | At least level 25 while knowing Psyshield Bash |
Wurmple | Silcoon | Level 7 during the Day |
Wurmple | Cascoon | Level 7 during the Night |
Kirlia | Gardevoir | Level 30 if Female |
Kirlia | Gallade | Level 30 if Male |
Snorunt | Glalie | Level 42 if Male |
Snorunt | Froslass | Level 42 if Female |
Mantyke | Mantine | Level 32 while having caught or hatched Remoraid at least once |
Dewott | Samurott | Level 36 during the Dawn or Day |
Dewott | Hisuian Samurott | Level 36 during the Dusk or Night |
Galarian Yamask | Runerigus | Level 34 |
Basculin-White | Basculegion | Level 40 |
Bisharp | Kingambit | Level 64 |
Rufflet | Braviary | Level 54 during the Dawn or Day |
Rufflet | Hisuian Braviary | Level 54 during the Dusk or Night |
Inkay | Malamar | Level 30 |
Goomy | Sliggoo | Level 40 during the Dawn or Day |
Goomy | Hisuian Sliggoo | Level 40 during the Dusk or Night |
Bergmite | Avalugg | Level 37 during the Dawn or Day |
Bergmite | Hisuian Avalugg | Level 37 during the Dusk or Night |
Dartrix | Decidueye | Level 34 during the Dawn or Day |
Dartrix | Hisuian Decidueye | Level 36 during the Dusk or Night |
Cosmoem | Solgaleo | During the Day |
Cosmoem | Lunala | During the Night |
Sneasel | Weavile | During the Night |
Hisui Sneasel | Sneasler | During the Day |
Gligar | Gliscor | During the Night |
Meltan | Melmetal | Level 48 |
Pawmo | Pawmot | Level 32 |
Bramblin | Brambleghast | Level 30 |
Rellor | Rabsca | Level 29 |
Finizen | Palafin | Level 38 |
Fomantis | Lurantis | Level 34 during the Day |
Alcremie Form Evolutions
When evolving Milcery with the Strawberry Sweet, the resulting Alcremie form is based on your current biome.

Some Recommended Pokérogue Pokémon Tips
When creating a starter team, have a mix of good early-game Pokemon and good medium-game Pokemon to carry you.
Of your beginning starters, I recommend Mudkip, Turtwig, and Fuecoco. They are all tanky with good level-up move pools and late-game typing. Fuecoco gets Torch Song when it reaches its final stage and that move is INSANE.

- Meowth is by far the best of the common early-game Pokemon, solely for its ability Technician and access to Fake Out. Technician boosts all moves under 60 base power (basically every early game move) by 50%. With STAB, Fake Out and Scratch are equivalent to 90 power. However, Meowth becomes outclassed very quickly.

Pokemon with no evolutions tend to have better stats than unevolved ones, which makes most of them very good early carries.
Sneasel is an interesting option to pick. It seems to evolve any time it levels up at night, which should happen fairly often. Weavile has great stats, but a shallow level-up move pool for later stages of the game.

Pay attention to the egg moves you unlock. A particularly good egg move (Torch Song) can turn a mediocre Pokemon into a powerhouse.
If you get a legendary/paradox Pokemon from an egg, use it. The best are tanky ones with good typings like Kyogre, and Giratina. Basically any one that is on the cover of a game, except Suicune.
The best types are Steel, Dragon, and Ghost. Rock and Ground also have many resistances, but also have many weaknesses.
Other very good (and accessible) late-game options are Excadrill, Magnezone, Gengar, every dragon, and Aegislash. Basically anything that can kill things quickly and (ideally) tanks hits.
Without spoiling anything, you have to be extra-prepared to deal with some Dragons late-game. You should have at least one Fairy-type Pokemon by then.
Once you start getting Shiny Pokemon, start putting them in your teams. Your odds of getting better items in the shop goes up with the number of Shiny Pokemon on your team. Ideally, you will get some low-cost Shinies that you can easily farm candies for to reduce their cost.
Spreading Pokerus to your team will ensure all your team members will reach the level cap (or come close to it) every run.
The ideal starting Classic Pokemon will be 1-2 main battlers, a Pokerus-infected 'mon (which you can switch out during the run), and as many shiny Pokemon possible. This will not always be possible until you get a good stable of shiny Pokemon.