6/1/2024 - PokeRogue Endless Ended update
Note: These logs are a compilation of several days' worth of changes, and are not singular large updates from one day.
These changelogs may also be a bit out of date, as they are only updated when new ones are posted from the discord.

Major Changes
Endless now has an official end! 5850 will be the highest available floor for now while we prepare for the rework!
There is now a candy indicator icon for upgrades
Gym Leaders (besides Tate+Liza) and Champions are no longer accepting double battles (for now)
There's a new way to visualize information in battle! Try pressing V to se what's new!
Minor Changes
- Phione and Manaphy movesets updated
- Politoed and Slowking no longer require King's Rock
- Firebreather trainer type added
- Triple Kick
- Triple Axel
- Population Bomb
- Last Respects now properly uses the correct party
- Steam Eruption, Scorching Sands, Matcha Gotcha, all damaging fire moves now thaw
- Fixed crash with opponent using Giga Impact
- Punishment
- Fixed edge case of opponent's Fake Out
- Zero to Hero 🐬
- Cheek Pouch
- Download now takes vitamins into account
- Supreme Overlord
- Magnet Pull, Shadow Tag, Arena Trap fully implemented
- Perish Body
- Wind Rider and Wind Power fully implemented
- Poison Heal
- Queenly Majesty, Dazzling, Armor Tail properly protect allies
- Neutralizing gas no longer affects the user's passive
- Comatose now triggers for status abilities
- Liquid Ooze should no longer harm the user
- Ethers no longer takes full low pp moves into account
- Gracidea has been fixed so Shaymin-Sky is usable now
- Flame Orb and Toxic Orb implemented
- Wide Lens moved from Rogue to Ultra
- Berry Pouch proc chance reduced from 33% to 30%
- Lum, Leppa, Sitrus, Enigma berries cap reduced to 2
- All other berries cap reduced to 3
- A lot more localization
- SSS Luck color changed
- Added setting for money display
- Achievement bar automatically resizes
- Egg hatch screen now shows how many eggs are left
- Stat change colors are now consistent
- Shinylocked uncatchable Pokemon in endless mode
- Vertical warping introduced in starter select menu
- Perfect IVs are golden
- Added option to transfer specific item amounts
- Other bug fixes
- Fixed parasol lady using the wrong dialogue
- Fixed battle girl dialogue
- Fixed zooming issue
- Fixed shiny Grafaiai missing a frame of animation
- Weather should work on the first turn
- Fixed broken shiny Clefairy sprites