6/1/2024 - PokeRogue Endless Ended update

Note: These logs are a compilation of several days' worth of changes, and are not singular large updates from one day.

These changelogs may also be a bit out of date, as they are only updated when new ones are posted from the discord.

PokeRogue 6/1/2024 Update

Major Changes

Endless now has an official end! 5850 will be the highest available floor for now while we prepare for the rework!

There is now a candy indicator icon for upgrades

Gym Leaders (besides Tate+Liza) and Champions are no longer accepting double battles (for now)

There's a new way to visualize information in battle! Try pressing V to se what's new!

Minor Changes

  • Phione and Manaphy movesets updated
  • Politoed and Slowking no longer require King's Rock
  • Firebreather trainer type added



  • Triple Kick
  • Triple Axel
  • Population Bomb
  • Last Respects now properly uses the correct party
  • Steam Eruption, Scorching Sands, Matcha Gotcha, all damaging fire moves now thaw
  • Fixed crash with opponent using Giga Impact
  • Punishment
  • Fixed edge case of opponent's Fake Out


  • Zero to Hero 🐬
  • Cheek Pouch
  • Download now takes vitamins into account
  • Supreme Overlord
  • Magnet Pull, Shadow Tag, Arena Trap fully implemented
  • Perish Body
  • Wind Rider and Wind Power fully implemented
  • Poison Heal
  • Queenly Majesty, Dazzling, Armor Tail properly protect allies
  • Neutralizing gas no longer affects the user's passive
  • Comatose now triggers for status abilities
  • Liquid Ooze should no longer harm the user


  • Ethers no longer takes full low pp moves into account
  • Gracidea has been fixed so Shaymin-Sky is usable now
  • Flame Orb and Toxic Orb implemented
  • Wide Lens moved from Rogue to Ultra
  • Berry Pouch proc chance reduced from 33% to 30%
  • Lum, Leppa, Sitrus, Enigma berries cap reduced to 2
  • All other berries cap reduced to 3


  • A lot more localization
  • SSS Luck color changed
  • Added setting for money display
  • Achievement bar automatically resizes
  • Egg hatch screen now shows how many eggs are left
  • Stat change colors are now consistent
  • Shinylocked uncatchable Pokemon in endless mode
  • Vertical warping introduced in starter select menu
  • Perfect IVs are golden
  • Added option to transfer specific item amounts
  • Other bug fixes
  • Fixed parasol lady using the wrong dialogue
  • Fixed battle girl dialogue
  • Fixed zooming issue
  • Fixed shiny Grafaiai missing a frame of animation
  • Weather should work on the first turn
  • Fixed broken shiny Clefairy sprites