Discover everything about Pokerogue Egg
PokeRogue Egg Overview
- Eggs are gained through the Egg Gacha, which is accessed through the menu. To get Eggs, you need to use vouchers.
- Vouchers are obtained by:
- Defeating a Gym Leader, Elite 4 member, or champion in Classic Mode
- Completing Classic Mode
- Completing the Daily Run
- Completing every 50th wave in the Endless Mode
- Vouchers are obtained by:
- When an Egg hatches, you will be able to use that Pokémon as a starter in future runs. Hatched Pokémon will not be added to the party of your current run.
- Hatched Pokémon also come with an egg move, and each Pokémon has 4 of them:
- 3 common moves
- 1 rare move
- Hatched Pokémon also come with an egg move, and each Pokémon has 4 of them:
- Manaphy Eggs are special as they only contain Manaphy or Phione:
- There is a 1/8 chance to get Manaphy
- There is a 7/8 chance to get Phione
- The Legendary UP! Gacha Target will switch every day at:
- 12AM UTC
- There is also an Egg Pity System that will help you obtain missing Pokémon and Egg rarities more easily if you've had poor luck.
PokeRogue Egg Tiers

There are 5 tiers of egg: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Manaphy. The Pokémon found in each Egg tier depends on that Pokémon's base starter cost.
- A Pokémon that costs 1-3 points is found in Common Eggs, a 4-5 cost is Rare Egg, 6-7 cost is an Epic Egg, and an 8-10 cost is a Legendary Egg.
To hatch an Egg, you need to complete waves in any mode. The waves do not have to be done in a row, so losing a run does not reset progress on hatching eggs.
- You need to complete 10 waves to hatch a Common Egg, 25 waves to hatch a Rare Egg, 50 waves for Epic and Manaphy Eggs, and 100 waves for a Legendary Egg.
Rarity | Starter Cost | Waves to Hatch |
Common | 1-3 Points | 10 |
Rare | 4-5 Points | 25 |
Epic | 6-7 Points | 50 |
Legendary | 8-10 Points | 100 |
Manaphy | N/A | 50 |
You can have up to 99 Eggs at once and all Eggs progress through their required waves counts at the same time.
Message | Waves Left To Hatch |
Sounds can be heard coming from inside! It will hatch soon! | ≤ 5 |
It appears to move occasionally. It may be close to hatching. | ≤ 15 |
What will hatch from this? It doesn't seem close to hatching. | ≤ 50 |
It looks like this Egg will take a long time to hatch. | > 50 |
PokeRogue Egg Odds
Each egg type has a chance of getting pulled from the Gacha machines. Below are those odds.
Rarity | Pull Chance | Pull Chance (Legendary UP! Gacha) |
Common | 203/256 - (79.29%) | 202/256 - (78.90%) |
Rare | 44/256 - (17.18%) | 44/256 - (17.18%) |
Epic | 7/256 - (2.73%) | 7/256 - (2.73%) |
Legendary | 1/256 - (0.39%) | 1/256 - (0.39%) |
Legendary UP! Gacha Target | 0/256 - (0.00%) | 1/256 - (0.39%) |
Manaphy | 1/323 - (0.30%) | 1/323 - (0.30%) |
PokeRogue Pity System
For Rare/Epic/Legendary Eggs, if you've hatched 9/59/412 Eggs respectively without one of those rarities, it will force your next Common Egg to be one of those Eggs.
If you hatch 9 Eggs in any given tier without getting a new Pokémon, it will try to force the 10th Egg to be a new Pokémon from that tier.
The table below is for the Shiny UP! and Move UP! Gacha machines, see below the table for information regarding the Legendary UP! Gacha.
Rarity | Pity Amount for Rarity | Pity Amount for New Pokémon |
Rare | 9 | 10 |
Epic | 59 | 10 |
Legendary | 412 | 10 |
Each non-legendary Egg pulled from the Legendary UP! Gacha counts as two towards the pity legendary.
The Legendary UP! Gatcha acts a bit differently compared to the other machines as it increases your odds of getting a Legendary, by adding a second Legendary Egg type to the drop pool as seen here Legendary UP!. This is called either the the Legendary UP! Gacha Target Pokémon or put simply, the Banner Egg. This second egg counts towards your Legendary Egg Pity, but does not count towards your Duplicate Pity.
This means that:
- if you pull the same Banner Pokémon 9 times, you are not guaranteed a new Pokémon on the next Legendary Egg.
- if you pull 9 duplicate Non-Banner Pokémon, and the 10th egg is a Banner, you will get the Banner and not a new Pokémon.
Note: You have a 50% chance to pull a Banner Egg and thus recieve the Banner Pokémon. The other 50% of the time, the Egg can hatch into any Pokémon, including the Banner Pokémon.
- This means that just because you hatched the Banner Pokémon does not mean that you pulled a Banner Egg. As such it is nearly impossible to track your exact stats.
The information here is to be used as a general understanding of the mechanics.
Let's run through a few examples:
Pull Count | Result | Pity Count | Dupe Pity Count | Notes |
1 - 127 | No Legendary | 254 | 0 | 127 pulls on the legendary gatcha increases your pity to 254 since pulls on this machine count for 2 points. |
128 | Legendary (Non Banner, Already Owned) | 0 | 1 | We pulled a non-banner legendary we already own, this increases our dupe count by 1, and resets our pity count |
129 - 336 | No Legendary | 412 | 1 | 206 pulls, and no legendaries means the next time we pull a common egg, it will be converted to a legendary egg |
337 | Pity Legendary (Always Non-Banner, Dupe) | 0 | 2 | We got our pity egg, and it was one we already had… thus our dupe counter goes up, and our pity resets. |
338 - 538 | No Legendary | 400 | 2 | 200 pulls = 400 pts, we are getting near our pity threshold |
539 | Legendary (Banner, First Time) | 0 | 2 | We got the banner legendary, and it is a new pokemon. Even though it is new, our dupe counter does not reset because banner eggs do not affect it. The pity counter resets. |
539 - 639 | No Legendary | 200 | 2 | 100 pulls, 200 points |
640 | Legendary (Banner, Dupe) | 0 | 2 | We got the banner legendary, and it is a dupe. Even though it is a dupe, our dupe counter does not increase because banner eggs do not affect it. The pity counter resets. |
… | Several Legendaries Later | 0 | 9 | We have done thousands of pulls, and have finally gotten our dupe counter up to 9. Our next Non-Banner legendary will trigger the dupe pity system. |
4763 | Legendary (Non-Banner, Dupe Pity, New Pokemon!) | … | 0 | A guaranteed un-caught legendary will hatch from this egg, congrats on your new pokemon! |
PokeRogue Egg Weights
The base weight for each Pokémon is 100. Below is a table of modifiers to that weight. All weights will round down to the nearest integer.
For more info on specific weights and weights per egg rarity, look here.
Type | Weight Modifier |
Costs 1 point. | 2x |
Costs 2 points | 1.5x |
Costs 4, 6, or 8 points | 1.75x |
Costs 3, 5, 7, or 9 points | 1x |
Alolan, Galarian, Or Paldean | 0.5x |
Hisuian | 0.125x |
PokeRogue Egg Move
Hatched Pokémon also come with an egg move and each Pokémon has 4 of them - 3 common moves and 1 rare move.
- Whenever you hatch a Pokémon for the first time you are guaranteed to get a random egg move for that Pokémon.
- Any subsequent hatching of a Pokémon will roll to see which egg move you get. If it picks one that you already have, nothing happens.
The odds of getting a rare egg move are 1/6 for legendary eggs, 1/12 for epic eggs, 1/24 for rare eggs, and 1/48 for common eggs.
- The odds are doubled when using the Move UP! Gacha Machine.
PokeRogue Vouchers
What are Vouchers?
There are 4 different types of Vouchers:
Icon | Name | Effect |
![]() | Regular Egg Voucher | Get 1 egg. Redeem 10x for a guaranteed Rare Egg. |
![]() | Egg Voucher Plus | Get 5 eggs. |
![]() | Egg Voucher Premium | Get 10 eggs and a guaranteed Rare Egg. |
![]() | Egg Voucher Gold | Get 25 eggs and a guaranteed Epic Egg. |
How to get Vouchers?
- In Classic Mode, defeating a Gym Leader or Elite 4 member for the first time will give you an Egg Voucher Plus, and all subsequent defeats of that specific Gym Leader or Elite 4 member will give you a regular Egg Voucher.
- Defeating a Champion for the first time will give you an Egg Voucher Premium, and all subsequent defeats of that specific Champion will give you a regular Egg Voucher.
- Completing Classic Mode for the first time will give you an Egg Voucher Gold, and all subsequent completions will give you an Egg Voucher Premium.
- In addition, you will earn a Ribbon and an Egg Voucher Plus for each of the starters of the Pokémon in your party only once. If you have a DNA Spliced Pokémon , only the Primary (1st) in the fusion will receive the rewards.
- Completing the Daily Run for the first time that day will grant you an Egg Voucher Premium, and all subsequent completions of already completed Daily Runs grant no additional Egg Vouchers.
- In Endless Mode, defeating the boss on the 50th, 100th, 150th, and 200th wave will give you an Egg Voucher Plus every time. Defeating the special boss on the 250th wave gives you an Egg Voucher Premium every time.
- This set of boss battles repeats endlessly for as long as you can continue.
Where to use Vouchers?
There are three different Gacha machines to use your Vouchers on. There is the Move UP! Gacha on the left, the Legendary UP! Gacha in the middle, and the Shiny UP! Gacha on the right. You can swap between each machine using arrow keys.

Move UP! Gacha Machine
The Move UP! Gacha has an increased chance that hatched Eggs will give the rare Egg Move for that Pokémon.
Legendary UP! Gacha Machine
- The Legendary UP! Gacha has a 1/256 (0.39%) chance for a Legendary Egg containing the Legendary UP! Gacha Target Pokémon to drop, in addition to the 1/256 (0.39%) chance of a regular Legendary Egg. This adds up to a 2/256 (1/128) (0.78%) chance for either Legendary Egg.
- The Legendary UP! Gacha Target Pokémon changes every day at Midnight UTC. There is no way to tell if the Egg is the Legendary UP! Gacha Target Pokémon until it hatches.
- Each Legendary Pokémon will appear for the day only once in a randomized order within a 23 day cycle.
Here are the 23 possible featured legendary Pokémon:
Legendary Pokémon | Picture |
Mewtwo | ![]() |
Lugia | ![]() |
Ho-Oh | ![]() |
Kyogre | ![]() |
Groudon | ![]() |
Rayquaza | ![]() |
Dialga | ![]() |
Palkia | ![]() |
Giratina | ![]() |
Arceus | ![]() |
Reshiram | ![]() |
Zekrom | ![]() |
Kyurem | ![]() |
Xerneas | ![]() |
Yveltal | ![]() |
Zygarde | ![]() |
Necrozma | ![]() |
Zacian | ![]() |
Zamazenta | ![]() |
Calyrex | ![]() |
Koraidon | ![]() |
Miraidon | ![]() |
Terapagos | ![]() |
Shiny UP! Gacha Machine
The Shiny UP! Gacha has an increased chance for shiny Pokémon to hatch. Eggs from this machine have a 1/64 (1.56%) chance to be shiny as opposed to the 1/128 (0.78%) chance from the other machines.