An endless starter guide for Pokérogue
Maybe some of you guys just finished classic Pokerogue and is probably thinking of starting an endless run of their own. Those first few runs of endless will suck without knowing anything, I promise you I've been there before, but now that I've started to get a hang of it.
Currently, endless isn't really endless because the game crashes at floor 5850 according to the sources I have found.

Choosing a starter might be intimidating because you have like 9 generations of pokemon to pick from so here is a starter picking guide that might help others. Here are a few things you should consider when picking your starting team for your endless run:
Starters Checklist
Since the smoothness of your run will solely be based on how good of a starting team you have created so we must carefully consider spending those where to invest those 15 point cost and not just spam 2 legendaries in one team and go ooga-booga (I totally did not do this one).
Ideally you want a hyper carry that you could rely on that will carry you on the entirety of early-mid game. Imo this is purely preference and based on the legendary pokemons that you have already unlocked, it could also be a mega evolution.
In general, I would suggest choosing those with multi-hit STAB moves to deal with two enemies with one move, and those who has good coverage with their moves help with early game as typing really matters here.
A solid examples are those who doesn't have a lot of weakness in typing which you will find these in the 7-8 cost range. If you want some concrete recommendations the guide I posted below suggested: Kyogre, Groudon, Mewtwo, Koraidon, Miraidon;
I also saw some people run the Regis, Latios, Latias, Reshiram, and Kyurem for their runs. Again, this is purely subjective and up to the legendary/mythical/ultra-beast that you have captured at the moment.

A general rule of thumb: if they stack up stats well and they can clear dual battle mobs in 1 hit floor after floor good.... Single hit pokemons are also fine but will get hard as you progress (so think carefully about this one).
Once you have decided on your carry pick someone who will mitigate or wall off any potential weakness of your hyper carry.
If you want to not get swept by an enemy that counters your pokemon I suggest you put something in your team that helps your main carry in terms of typing. If you pick a dragon type carry pick something that counters the weakness of dragon type (Fairy, Ice).
With this in mind you could pick a steel type for coverage for your fairy and ice weakness. If you pick a fire hyper carry (weak to ground and water) pick a grass type and etc...
Of course endless is built diff an one of the main walls of the game that you should always prepare for is the ETERNATUS fight that you face every 250 floors.

Solid options ofc are those that help with the Eternatus fight. Duraludon (solid pokemon with sturdy and metal burst which will be helpful for later floors) ,

Tinkaton with Huge power (great as a base mon and as a spliced character with Corviknight with unnverve basically wrecks Eternatus fights and prevents berry stalling) ,

Whimsicott (Prankster + Leech seed + Salt cure enthusiast when spliced with Gargancl later on).

As bad as the pokerus character may seem you need to put one in your team if you want to go long in endless mode. Once it spreads to your core team members which you can check in the summary of the pokemon and it will be labeled as PKRS (this located under the gender of the pokemon).
You will need this pokemon until it spreads the pokerus to your team and replace them after with better pokemons you find along the way or pokemons that will help in Eternatus fights.
Unlike normal pokemon games gigachad shinies in Pokerogue will help you get better shop odds and get that sweet juicy items once you have enough gold to roll for days.
It would also be great to use your Legendary shinies or even pick up/runaway shinies since they are more common to get just to have more space for other pokemons that might help.
Look at the pokemons you have captured and look for abilities like pick up and run away.
Pick up pokemon is great for collecting items such as lucky eggs, golden eggs, and STAB move boosting items for your carry like charcoal, magnet, sand, and silk scarf.
I always use my shiny Zigzagoon since it has pick up + covet in his moveset which helps me get tons of lucky eggs in early game and keep my mons up to the level cap.

Pokemons that use roar and has the ability run away will help you a lot in the latter stages of the game in getting out of sticky situations such as the classic my main carry cant hit or they somehow just die hehexd.
Once you have all of these covered then congrats you can enjoy your days of touching no grass and gambling addiction!
You have surpassed early game and you are on the way to middle to late game endless is coming and you shall prepare.
I'm no expert but these are some teambuilding tips that I personally found useful in my runs, feel free to add some insights that I may have missed.
I would like to credit the creator of these endless run guides that actually helped me progress in my endless runs. You could check them out for yourselves if you want to know more about endless.