PokéRogue FAQ and Comprehensive Guide
Due to a large amount of repetitive posts asking the same question, we would like to share an FAQ post, which will be updated to add more info as needed.

When is Daily Reset?
00:00 UTC - you can see this converted to your timezone here
This applies to several aspects of the game, such as...
- A new Daily Run
- The Legendary Egg Gacha
- New daily Pokérus Pokémon
What is the Daily Run?
The Daily Run is a game mode consisting of 50 randomly generated waves, updating every day
- Wave 50 will always have an uncatchable boss
- Upon completing Wave 50, you will receive a Premium Egg Voucher (10 pulls)
The RNG seed is the same for everyone
- Shinies are client-side, there are no guaranteed shinies in Daily Runs
Early Beginner Guide
This post will go much more in-depth than the above Guide, if you're looking for specific questions/topics, condensed into one place.
What are the drop rates of each egg?
- Common - 203/256 (79.29%)
- Rare - 44/256 - 11/64 (17.18%)
- Epic - 7/256 (2.73%)
- Legendary - 1/256 (0.39%)
- Manaphy - 1/256 (0.39%)
In the "Legendary UP" Gacha
- Common is reduced from 203 > 202
- Legendary on Banner - 1/256 (0.39%)
- Any random Legendary - 1/256 (0.39%)
- This means the legendary rate is doubled and let's you hunt for one specifically
- The Legendary on the banner resets daily
What are the shiny rates of eggs?
- 1/128 (0.78%)
- In "Shiny UP!" Gacha - 1/64 (1.56%)
How do Egg Moves work?
- Hatched Pokémon come with an egg move, each Pokémon has 4 of them
- 3 common moves and 1 rare move
- If you don't get an egg move, you rolled one you already have
- The odds of getting a rare egg move...
- Bold is with "Move UP!" Gacha
- Legendary - 1/6 (1/3)
- Epic - 1/12 (1/6)
- Rare - 1/24 (1/12)
- Common - 1/48 (1/24)
Is there a limit to how many eggs we can have?
- 99 Eggs
How many waves does it take to hatch eggs?
- Common - 10
- Rare - 25
- Epic/Manaphy - 50
- Legendary - 100
- Does running away from a battle count?
- No, you must defeat/catch the opponent
How many waves left until an egg hatches?
- > 50 - "It looks like this Egg..."
- ≤ 50 - "What will hatch from this?..."
- ≤ 15 - "It appears to move occasionally..."
- ≤ 5 - "Sounds can be heard coming from inside!..."
Which Gacha Machine should I use?
Generally, we recommend players use the Shiny Gacha
If you really want a single copy of a featured Legendary, you can use the Legendary Gacha until you pull it
- But remember, you are not guaranteed the featured Legendary
Later on, once you've hatched a lot of eggs (up to your discretion), the Move UP! Gacha is more viable
- Rare Egg moves are usually very, very OP
Anything else?
Read more about Eggs on the Wiki
How do I evolve ___?
Many Pokémon have...
- split evolutions
- regional variant evolutions
- like Koffing into Weezing/Galarian Weezing
- PokéRogue-specific evolution methods
- etc.
See a full list of evolution methods for specific Pokémon on the Blog.
Are there any guaranteed shinies?
No, shinies are client-side, none are guaranteed (like in Daily Runs)
The only one is your Rival's, which is uncatchable
How rare are shinies?
- In the wild
- 1/2048
- In eggs
- 1/128 (0.78%)
- In "Shiny UP!" Gacha - 1/64 (1.56%)
- Shiny Charm rates?
- 1 Shiny Charm - 1/256 (0.39%)
- 2 - 1/128 (0.78%)
- 3 - 1/64 (1.56%)
- 4 (max) - 1/32 (3.125%)
Do Shiny Charms affect eggs?
No, only wild encounters
What do shinies do?
Shinies increase your Luck stat
Catching/Hatching a shiny gives bonus Candies
Different colored/rare shinies?
- There are 3 different tiers of shinies
- Common (yellow sparkles) - 60%
- Rare (blue sparkles) - 30%
- Epic (red sparkles) - 10%
- Not every Pokémon has several shiny variants
- Therefore, some Pokémon are 100% common shiny
- Rarer shinies contribute more luck points
"Luck" Stat
What is Luck?
Luck raises your chance to "tier-up" an item in the shop at the end of a wave
The higher your luck, the higher your "tier-up" odds will be
How do I raise my Luck?
- Starting grade is D
- Having Shiny Pokémon alive in your party raises Luck
- Common - +1
- Rare - +2
- Epic - +3
- If you've unlocked a higher-tier shiny rarity, that luck stat will apply to all shiny forms of the Pokémon
- For example, if you caught an Epic and a Rare tier, but like the design of the Rare tier more, you will get +3 for using the Rare variant
- Fusing two Pokémon combines their Luck stat
- Max Total Luck is +14, or SSS tier
Fusion/DNA Splicing
- If one of the Pokémon has a conflicting/duplicate type...
- Normally, the type of the fusion will take the Primary (or only) Type of the First selected Pokémon, and the Secondary (or only) Type of the Second Selected Pokémon
- For example, Charizard (Fire/Flying) + Venusaur (Grass/Poison) will be Fire/Poison
- However, if the Second Pokémon's Secondary Type is the same as the First Pokémon's Primary Type, the Primary Type of the Secondary Pokémon will be chosen instead.
- That is to say, the fusion will not be a monotype
- For example, Charizard (Fire/Flying) + Houndoom (Dark/Fire) will be Fire/Dark
- You can only get a monotype fusion if both Pokémon are the same monotype
- Normally, the type of the fusion will take the Primary (or only) Type of the First selected Pokémon, and the Secondary (or only) Type of the Second Selected Pokémon
- If one of the Pokémon are currently terastalized...
- The tera types aren't considered in the fusion
- Tera shards are held items and do not impact a Pokémon's Primary or Secondary type
- The fusion retains the Tera Shard, and remains transformed until the end of its' 10 wave "timer" as usual
- The tera types aren't considered in the fusion
- See more details on the Wiki
What is Candy for?
- Unlock Passives
- Permanently reduce the cost of a Starter
- This can be performed up to twice
- This can be done on the Starter Select screen
How do I get more candy?
- Catching Pokémon
- +1 Candy
- If Pokémon was Boss, Candy Received x2
- Hatching Pokémon
- +2 Candy
- Shinies give bonus Candy
- If caught/hatched shiny is common, Candy Received x5
- If caught/hatched shiny is rare, Candy Received x10
- If caught/hatched shiny is epic, Candy Received x20
- Raising Friendship
- More on Friendship later
I can't see Candy for my Pokémon, is it a glitch?
If a Pokémon has a baby form, like Elekid and Electabuzz, only the baby has candy
What is a Passive?
A second ability you can toggle on/off in addition to your first
I unlocked a Passive but my Pokémon isn't using it??
If you're in the middle of a run, a Passive will not activate
A run must be started with the Passive activated for it to work
This boss has a passive but I didn't get it???
Bosses that have passives will not retain their passive when caught
They will not unlock passives when you catch them either
This Pokémon doesn't have a passive??
If a Pokémon has a baby form, only the baby can unlock a passive
- You must start with and evolve the baby to use the evolved forms' passive
How much does it cost to unlock a passive?
It varies depending on the Starter Pokémon
Mega Evolution, Gigantamax, Terastalization, and form changes
How do I use them?
- First, the Mega Bracelet, Dynamax Band, and Tera Orb (respectively) must be obtained
- They drop randomly drop the shop after each wave
- Then, the corresponding Mega Stone, Max Mushrooms, or Tera Shards may be found in the shop
- Mega Stones and Max Mushrooms will only drop if you have a Pokémon eligible to use it
How do Mega Evolutions work?
- Same as in core games
- Rayquaza must first know Dragon Ascent before "Rayquazite" will drop
- Taught by Memory Mushroom
- Red Orb and Blue Orb for Primal Reversion are treated as Mega Stones
- That is to say, you first must have the Mega Bracelet
What is Friendship?
- Causes certain Pokémon to evolve
- Affects power of certain moves
- ie return/frustration
- Gives Candy Friendship
How do I increase/decrease Friendship for the Pokémon I'm using?
- Defeating/Catching/Participating in a battle a Pokémon with it
- +4 in classic
- +2 in other modes
- Switching out a Pokémon mid-battle still rewards Friendship if the opposing Pokémon is defeated or caught
- Using a Rare Candy on it
- +10 in classic
- +5 in other modes
- Rarer Candies do not award bonus friendship, but still grant all Pokémon Friendship
- Fainting
- -20 in classic
- -10 in other modes
- Reviver Seeds prevent Friendship loss as the Pokémon did not faint
What is a Soothe Bell?
- Soothe Bells are held items that increase the amount of Friendship and Candy Friendship you gain
- You can stack multiple on every Pokémon
- There is a limit of 3 at a time
- Is it worth choosing?
- Yes, especially if you haven't unlocked the Pokémon's Passive yet
What is Candy Friendship?
- A mechanic that allows Candies to be obtained by increasing a Pokémon’s Friendship
- Whenever a Pokémon gains Friendship, it will receive an equal number of Candy Friendship
- Candy Friendship points will accumulate until they reach a certain threshold
- When the threshold is reached, you will gain one Candy for that Pokémon, and its' Candy Friendship will reset to 0
- A Pokémon's Candy Friendship points are accumulated and shared across all runs where that Pokémon is used
- Extra Candy Friendship points over the threshold will not roll over, you will start from 0 when the Candy is received
- Candy Friendship cannot fall below 0
- Likewise, you cannot lose candy, only Candy Friendship
- How many Pokémon do I need to defeat to get Candy?
- It depends on that Pokémon’s original starter cost
- Where can I see Candy Friendship points?
- Hover your mouse above the candy icon...
- On the Starter Select Screen
- On the Summary Screen
Boss Info
How does their health work?
- Bosses will have their health bar divided into segments, or "shields"
- Normally, you may not deal damage past 1 segment's threshold at a time
- However, you can break through multiple shields at once if your damage overflows past the threshold.
- To break through additional shields, you must deal 2^X times more damage, where X is the number of shields broken.
- Whenever a shield is broken, a random stat (Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed) will increase by 1 stage for each broken shield
- Boss shields are indicated with grey or white lines in between the segments
- Once a shield is broken, the line will remain grey to indicate it's been broken
Bosses are immune to...
- Destiny Bond
- Perish Song
- Pain Split
- Endeavor
How do I catch them?
- Remove all shields, down to their last health segment
- You may catch them at any point, including full health, if you use a Master Ball
End Biome / "An unseen force" / uncatchable Pokémon
- You cannot catch Pokémon in this area
- This includes the last wave of the Daily Run, the last 10 waves of Classic, or every 50th wave in Endless Mode
- However,
- If you have already registered the Pokémon as a starter, you can catch them in this biome only in classic
(P) and (N)
- Some moves and abilities have (P) or (N) after them
- (P) means Partially Implemented
- Move Stats (BP, PP, Accuracy, Priority) or basic ability effects are implemented, but additional or complex effects are usually not.
- (N) means Not Implemented
- This move/ability does nothing and should never be used
- (P) means Partially Implemented
- These are being worked on constantly
- Please be patient for proper implementation
What do Achievements do?
- Nothing, at the time of writing (May 27th, 2024)
- There has been discussion around making them do something in the future
What is Pokérus?
Pokérus (Pokémon Virus) is a permanent status that boosts EXP gain by 1.5x (50%)
How do I get Pokérus?
- Every day, 3 random starter Pokémon will have it
- Depicted with a purple border on the Starter Select screen, seen below
- Pokémon with Pokérus have a chance to spread it to other party members
I don't have any of today's starter Pokérus Pokémon!
- This game has every Pokémon, so that's bound to happen.
- As you catch more, your odds of having a daily Pokérus Pokémon goes up
The game is slow/lagging!
- Browser settings > Enable Hardware Acceleration/Graphics Acceleration
- The game can slow down with high server activity, please be patient
What does this symbol mean?

Hidden Ability is unlocked

Daily Pokérus Pokémon, more on Pokérus above



see below
What exactly does this greyed-out Pokéball indicate?
- You own this Pokémon, but not this specific Pokémon's...
- Ability (including HA)
- Gender
- Shiny
- Meaning this is a Shiny you don't own
- If you already own this shiny, the ball will be red