Pokérogue Gameplay Modes
Currently there are 4 game modes in PokéRogue: Classic, Daily Run, Endless, and Spliced endless. The latter 2 are unlockables.
Name | Type | Unlock Requirement |
Endless Mode | Mode | Beat Classic Mode |
Spliced Endless Mode | Mode | Beat Classic Mode with a spliced pokemon |
Mini Black Hole | Item | Beat Classic Mode |
Eternatus | Starter | Collect all other starters and catch him in Classic Mode |
Classic Mode
Classic mode by default is the only mode available in PokéRogue other than Daily Run. When you start a new game you are taken to a starter select screen where you may choose any owned starters you have for use.
The maximum combined Starter Cost you can bring is 10. Classic mode is the only mode where you can find the map item.
Every 10 waves the biome will change following this chart

Whenever the biome changes, all of your Pokémon will be returned to their Pokéballs and be healed. This also removes any stat changes.
Having a map allows you to choose which biome you go to next from the connected biomes. If you find a map in Town, you get the choice between Plains, Metropolis, and Lake.
The % chances on the biome chart are the chances of the biome appearing as a route your player can take. If you have the map item, you have that % chance of being able to select that biome.
Gym Leaders and Trainers
Which waves gym leaders appear on for your run is random. There's a 50% chance of you getting your first gym leader on wave 20, and an equal chance of you getting them on wave 30.
After that, gym leaders are at predetermined waves, spawning every 30 after your first one.
The Elite 4 and Champion will almost always be from the same region. You will face off against the Elite 4 on waves 182, 184, 186, and 188 before fighting the champion on wave 190.
For info on which gym leaders spawn in which biomes, and what they're guaranteed to have on their team, visit the biomes page and look for the biome you're in.
Rival Fights
Your Rival will challenge you at the same waves of every classic run. Those waves are: 8, 25, 55, 95, 145, and 195.
On the first and second rival encounter, after defeating them you will be given an EXP Share.
Your Rival will randomly pick a starter from the mainline games. In the first fight, it'll be stage 1. It will evolve with every subsequent fight until it reaches its full evolution. From fight 4+, it will always be terastallised. Regional variants of starters cannot be used by the Rival.
Your Rival will also randomly pick 1 bird from Pidgey, Hoothoot, Taillow, Starly, Pidove, Fletchling, Pikipek, Rookidee, and Wattrel. If it's a 3 stage evolution, it'll evolve at the 2nd and 3rd fight. If it's a 2 stage evolution, it will only evolve at the 3rd fight.
The 3rd Pokémon will be a single stage evolution with at least 450 BST that isn't a legendary, mythical, Eternal Floette, or Bloodmoon Ursaluna.
The 4th Pokémon will be an Epic Shiny Rayquaza that will be Mega Evolved on the last fight.
The 5th and 6th Pokémon will be full evolved 540+ BST multi-stage evolutions that don't overlap in typings.
Your Rival will gain 1 Pokémon per encounter you have with them.
Boss Pokémon
Every 10 waves, if you do not fight a gym leader, a Boss Pokémon will spawn. These Pokémon have shields on their health that make it harder to make them faint. You cannot catch a Boss Pokémon until their health bar is in the last segment.
End Biome
Waves 191-200 will take place in the End Biome. In this biome, Paradox Pokémon will spawn every wave. If you have caught the Paradox Pokémon you're fighting before, you can throw Pokéballs to try and catch a second one. Otherwise, Pokémon in the End Biome are uncatchable.
Final Boss
On wave 200, you will face off against the final boss of classic mode: Eternatus.
Their moveset is Eternabeam, Sludge Bomb, Dragon Dance, and Cosmic Power.
After Eternatus gets down to their last shield, they will transform into Eternamax Eternatus, and restore their health to full.
After they Eternamax, they also get Dynamax Cannon, Cross Poison, Flamethrower, and Recover added into their moveset for a total of 8 moves.
Once you meet the requirements to unlock Eternatus, you may catch them if they are on their last shield.
If your Pokémon is over level 200, Eternatus will deal double damage to it.
Rewards for Winning
Upon winning Classic Mode, you will earn a Ribbon and an Egg Voucher Plus for each of the starters of the Pokemon in your party only once.
You will get both the Ribbons and Egg Vouchers for the Pokemon and its previous evolutions if there are multiple starters in that line. You will not receive additional Ribbons or Egg Vouchers for any other final evolution from that starter if it was not on your winning team.
Winning with an Azumarill will give you Ribbons and Egg Vouchers for both the Marill and Azurill starters.
Winning with a Hitmonlee with give you Ribbons and Egg Vouchers for both the Hitmonlee and Tyrogue starters, but not Hitmonchan or Hitmontop.
Daily Run
Daily Run gives you a set team of three level twenty pokémon, typicaly with specific items and moves. Additionaly you start with three EXP. Alls and three Golden EXP. Charms.
The mode is composed of 50 floors, with randomly selected pokemon as well as trainers including two gym leaders.
The fiftieth floor is in the end biome against a legendary. Beating it will earn you a 10 egg gatcha voucher. Only one voucher can be obtained per reset.
The daily run resets at 12AM UTC / 8PM EST / 5PM PST
Endless Mode
Endless Mode is a mode that is only unlocked after beating Classic Mode at least once. Just like Classic, when starting a new game you are allowed to choose any starters you own. However in Endless Mode, the maximum starter cost is raised to 15, allowing you to start with even more powerful Pokémon.
As the name suggests, Endless Mode tries to go on forever. However, currently Endless Mode stops at wave 5850.
In Endless Mode, biomes change every 1-4 waves.
How many waves you stay in a biome is randomly determined.
Just like classic mode, Endless Mode switches biomes in the same order that the chart shows

Whenever the biome changes, all of your Pokémon will be returned to their Pokéballs. This also removes any stat changes.
There is no Map item in Endless Mode.
Every 50 waves you will face off against a random Paradox Boss, every 250 waves you will face off against Eternatus, and every 1000 waves you will face off against Eternamax Eternatus.
Every 50 waves you complete you will also be given a Token.
In Classic Mode, every 10 waves is a Boss Pokémon. Boss Pokémon have shields on their health that make it harder to make them faint.
In Endless Mode this is also true. However, the higher up you get in waves the more common Boss Pokémon are on waves below 10. These Boss Pokémon spawn using the Boss tables from their respective biome.
Tokens are items that you receive for every 50 waves completed. They are permanent buffs to the enemy, or debuffs to you. Below is a table with all of the current Tokens in the game.
Icon | Token | Effect | Max Tokens |
![]() | Damage Token | Increases enemy's damage by 5% | 999 |
![]() | Protection Token | Reduces damage dealt to enemies by 2.5% | 999 |
![]() | Recovery Token | Heals 3% of enemy's max HP every turn | 10 |
![]() | Full Heal Token | Adds a 10% chance to heal an enemy's status condition at the end of every turn | 5 |
![]() | Endure Token | Adds a 2.5% chance that an enemy will endure your attack (OHKOs bypass this) | 10 |
![]() | Fusion Token | Adds a 1% chance that a wild Pokémon will be a fusion | 10 |
![]() | Poison Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Poison when hit by an opponent | 5 |
![]() | Paralyze Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Paralysis when hit by an opponent | 5 |
![]() | Sleep Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Sleep when hit by an opponent | 5 |
![]() | Freeze Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Freeze when hit by an opponent | 5 |
![]() | Burn Token | Adds a 10% chance to be inflicted with Burn when hit by an opponent | 5 |
Spliced Endless Mode
Spliced Endless Mode is unlocked by beating classic with a fused Pokémon in your party
Spliced Endless Mode is largely the same as Endless Mode, with a few key differences. After you pick your starters, they will be fused with random Pokémon. Every Pokémon you fight will be fused with another Pokémon, bosses included.